Izgradnja objekta u Arushi

Najnovije: Novi objekat ogranka Mehanizma u Arushi zvanično je otvoren 25. novembra 2016. tokom ceremonije kojom je predsedavala Nj. E. Samia Suluhu Hassan, potpredsednica Ujedinjene Republike Tanzanije. Saopštenje za javnost

U svom izveštaju Generalnoj skupštini od 16. januara 2013. generalni sekretar Ujedinjenih nacija istakao je da specifične programske, funkcionalne i bezbednosne potrebe Mehanizma zahtevaju izgradnju novog objekta za njegov ogranak u Arushi, gde se trenutno nalazi MKSR.

Vlada Ujedinjene Republike Tanzanije ponudila je da obezbedi zemljište za izgradnju objekta i da besplatno izgradi komunalnu infrastrukturu na odabranoj parceli.

Kao najprikladnija identifikovana je lokacija poznata kao Lakilaki, u neposrednoj blizini grada Arushe i njegovog aerodroma.

Objekat je smešten tako da se prirodno uklapa s blagim padinama izabrane lokacije, a dvorište sa zgradama na tri strane na otvorenoj strani uokviruje pogled ka planini Meru, na severu. Celokupni dizajn zgrade odslikava suštinu Mehanizma, koji se potvrđuje kao mala i efikasna institucija koja predstavlja uzor na polju međunarodnog krivičnog pravosuđa. Tri zgrade su svedene i minimalističke, osmišljene kako bi bile fleksibilne i prilagodljive, da bi bile u stanju da odgovore na ad hoc aktivnosti i time realizuju viziju Saveta bezbednosti o maloj, efikasnoj i privremenoj instituciji.

Ovaj projekat se pridržavao najbolje prakse u standardima izgradnje ekoloških objekata, kako u projektovanju, tako i u samoj izvedbi, čime je potrošnja energije, vode i drugih resursa svedena na najmanju moguću meru. Time se, dalje, smanjuju dugoročni troškovi održavanja objekta i emisija gasova koji izazivaju efekat staklene bašte.

Objekat je takođe izgrađen u potpunosti u skladu s Konvencijom o pravima osoba s invaliditetom. Lokacija i zgrade su pristupačni svima, s posebnim naglaskom na istraživače i druge građane, uključujući i one s invaliditetom u pogledu pokretljivosti, sluha ili vida, ili s kognitivnim invaliditetom.

Izgradnja objekta je trajala približno četiri godine, a ukupni troškovi projekta su oko 8,7 miliona američkih dolara.

Hronologija projekta

Project timeline

Napredak izgradnje

The site of Lakilaki  before construction works started.
The local construction company Jandu Plumbers Ltd. took over the site, mobilised the site office atop of the hill and officially commenced works at the end of February. Tanzania made progress with the construction of a temporary access road to the site, which had started earlier in February.
After having completed the setting-out of the site boundary and the building survey layout, Jandu started the excavation of the building foundation and the perimeter fence footings. Tanzania completed the temporary access road and provided electricity to the site.
The contractor fully completed the mobilization; excavation is in progress to prepare the foundation works for the office building.
The bulk excavations for all buildings - the office, archives and courtroom, as well as the ancillary pump house and pedestrian security buildings - have been completed. Foundation works are in progress for the office and archives buildings.
The foundation works for the office building have been completed, and are in progress for the archives, the court and the ancillary buildings. Preparation for the construction of the ground floor of the office has begun.
The construction of the ground floor of the office building is ongoing. The foundation of the archives and courtroom buildings have been completed and preparations for the construction of their respective ground floor have begun.
The construction of the ground floor of the three buildings - the office, the archives and the courtroom - is ongoing.
Construction of the columns and walls of the archives and court buildings have commenced.
Construction of the columns and walls of the three main buildings continue to progress and the preparatory works for the roof of the archives and court buildings have commenced.
The structure of the archives building has been completed.  The structure of the court building is also complete with the exception of its conical element whose construction is in progress. Finally, the structure of the ground floor of the office building has been completed and construction of the first floor is underway.
The fit-out of the interior of the archives and the courtroom buildings has started. The construction of the upper floor of the office building is ongoing.
As the interior fit-out of the buildings continues, the earthworks for the parking lot, the internal road, and the perimeter fence have began.
As the interior fit-out of the buildings continues, the external works are ongoing, with the installation of the perimeter fence and the construction of the parking lot and the internal road. The excavation of the underground ducting and the courtyard has also begun.
As interior and exterior fit-out progresses, external works are on-going. The formation of the courtyard, installation of underground ducting and drainage system has been completed, while the construction of the parking and internal road continues.
As interior and exterior fit-out continues to progress, external works are on-going. The courtyard is ready for finishing touch.  The tree, a central feature of the courtyard, has been planted.
Interior fit out and external land formation continue to progress. Benches have begun to be installed in the courtyard, and the staircase and ramp between the courtyard and office building await final finishes.
Interior and exterior finishes continue to progress. The preparatory work for the installation of the curtain wall - the last structural element of the project - has been completed.