Mechanism Holds Property Gifting Ceremony in Arusha

The Registrar of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT or Mechanism), Mr. Abubacarr M. Tambadou, officiated today at a property gifting ceremony held at the IRMCT’s branch in Arusha, Tanzania. The ceremony involved the handing over of five vehicles, four computers and various pieces of office furniture to the Arusha Regional Police Office, the Kilimanjaro Regional Police Office and the Arusha Regional Immigration Office.
The event began with welcome greetings by Mr. David Falces, the Mechanism’s Chief Administrative Officer. The Registrar then delivered remarks, acknowledging and appreciating the Tanzanian Police and Immigration Units for their consistent willingness to collaborate and work with the Mechanism in pursuit of best practices in the field of international criminal justice.
Following the Registrar’s remarks, attendees heard statements from Mr. Joseph F. Kasike, the Regional Immigration Officer of Arusha; the Regional Police Commander of Arusha, Mr. Justine M. Masejo and the Regional Police Commander of Kilimanjaro, Mr. Simon M. Maigwa.
In their speeches, the dignitaries emphasized the importance of their partnerships with the Mechanism and noted the valuable support that the donations will provide to the operations of their respective entities. The representatives further expressed their gratitude for the continuous support granted by the Mechanism towards the Tanzanian Police and Immigration Units in ensuring safety for citizens and non-citizens of the United Republic of Tanzania.
Transfer documents and certificates were presented for signing by the Registrar and the representatives from Tanzanian Police and Immigration Units.
The ceremony concluded with a photo session.