The Mechanism welcomes the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to its Arusha branch premises

On Thursday, 21 November 2019, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) received a visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Ambassador Mette Noergaard Dissing-Spandet, at the premises of the Mechanism’s Arusha branch.
Judge Vagn Joensen, as well as representatives from the President’s Office, the Office of the Prosecutor and the Registry, warmly welcomed Ambassador Dissing-Spandet and provided her with an overview of the functions and structure of the Mechanism, and expressed their gratitude to the Government of Denmark for its continued support to the work of the Mechanism.
Ambassador Dissing-Spandet thanked the Mechanism’s representatives for their hospitality and the information provided, and reiterated the Government of Denmark’s full support to the important work of the Mechanism. The Ambassador expressed her particular appreciation for the efforts being made by the Mechanism to fulfil its mandate with the limited resources available.
As part of her visit, Ambassador Dissing-Spandet toured the Mechanism’s courtroom and library.