Date of birth: 4 May 1953, Antanifotsy IV Fianarantsoa I
Profession: Judge – Magistrat de 1er Grade (first-degree judge) as of 31 October 1997 (currently Chief Prosecutor of the Fianarantsoa Court of Appeal)
Father’s name: Razafindrakoto (deceased)
Mother’s name: Ramanandraibe (deceased)
Family status: Widower, father of five children
Religion: Protestant (baptism, confirmation, marriage: Temple FJKM, Antarandolo Fitiavana, Fianarantsoa)
Honorary award: Grand Officer of the National Order of Madagascar
1959 – 1965 Primary Education. School attended: Mariamanjaka Talatamaty Fianarantsoa. Qualifications obtained:
- Certificate of elementary studies in 1965
1965 – 1971 Secondary Education. School attended: Saint François Xavier secondary school, Fianarantsoa.
1971 – 1972 Secondary Education. School attended: Lycée Sileny Paul Manakara
1973 – 1974 Secondary Education. School attended: Lycée Raherivelo Ramamonjy Fianarantsoa. Qualifications obtained:
- Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle (lower secondary school certificate)
- Pre-baccalaureate course in 1973
- Baacalaureate – series A2 in 1974
1975 – 1980 Higher education. Institution attended: Faculty of Law, Economics, Business and Sociology (University of Antananarivo). Qualifications obtained:
- Diplôme de Fin d’Études du Premier Cycle (certificate of undergraduate studies) (1976)
- Master’s degree in private law (1979)
- Degree certificate from the Institute of Legal Studies (1980)
Professional activities:
1980 – 1985 Assistant Public Prosecutor, Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance.
1985 – 1990 President of the Maevatanana Court Section (Mahajanga). Settlement of Dina (traditional community parajudicial system) issues in Mama.
1990 – 1992 Public Prosecutor, Court of First Instance of Farafangana.
A difficult period when the political atmosphere was tense.
Active role in resolving Zafisoro-Antefasy ethnic conflicts.
The purpose of this posting was to resolve conflicts and dina menavozo issues.
After six months the problems were solved, and there was peace in the region.
1992 – 1994 Public Prosecutor at the Court of First Instance of Tulear.
This was also a difficult period on account of the political climate and great subtlety was needed to address the situation (conflicts between the legitimate leaders and the group known as les Fédéralistes). Prosecution of les Fédéralistes and a return of calm in the region brought an end to this assignment in Tulear.
1993 – 2002 Public Prosecutor at the Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance. Efforts to combat the negligence that prevailed in this court.
2002 – 2004 Advocate General at the Fianarantsoa Court of Appeal.
6 March 2004 – June 2005 Advocate General at the Toliara Court of Appeal.
29 June 2005 – October 2006 Public Prosecutor at the Tulear Court of First Instance.
26 October 2006 – 24 February 2012 Procureur General at the Mahajanga Court of Appeal.
30 March 2012 - present Attorney General at the Fianarantsoa Court of Appeal.
Teaching experience:
1984 – 1985 Lecturer (course on civil law) at the Regional University Centre of Andrainjato, Fianarantsoa.
2006 - present Temporary instructor at the National College of the Judiciary and Court Officers (ENMG).
Training courses and placements:
In Madagascar
9 – 13 December 1996 Court administration (ENMG Ivato).
20 – 24 April 1998 Management of public prosecution and supervision of the judicial police (ENMG Ivato).
4 July 1998 Court administration (report on training in 1996, forecast, ENMG Ivato).
6 and 7 July 1998 Performance-related bonus (ENMG Ivato).
November 2004 Inspection (ENMG 67 Ha Antananarivo).
1 – 3 August 2006 Ethics and code of conduct: improving the professional conduct of judges and the quality of anti-corruption criminal justice.
21 – 23 May 2008 The law on securities (ENMG Antananarivo).
2 and 3 October 2008 Responsibility of the judge; the role of higher courts in establishing the rule of law (ENMG Antananarivo).
8 – 10 December 2008 Training in leadership for senior officials and staff of the Ministry of Justice at the National Leadership Institute of Madagascar (NLIM at Iavoloha, Antananarivo).
8 and 9 April 2010 Leasing (ENMG Antananarivo).
11 and 12 May 2010 Social and professional etiquette and conduct of judges.
1 – 4 June 2010 Training and discussion on the Judicial Service Commission
26 October – 13 November 1998 Court administration, National School for the Judiciary, Paris (France) High Court of Evreux (France).
18 – 28 September 2006 Training for trainers, National School for the Judiciary, Paris and Bordeaux (France).
Participation in international meetings
14 – 18 May 2007 Representative of the Republic of Madagascar at the Conference on International Criminal Justice, held in Turin, Italy.
10 – 12 December 2008 Member of the Malagasy delegation to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) technical working group on the customs union, Johannesburg, South Africa.
21 – 23 March 2018 Representative of the Republic of Madagascar at the third open-ended intergovernmental meeting for the purpose of defining the specific procedures and rules for the functioning of the review mechanism for the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols thereto, held in Vienna, Austria.
Special positions:
23 September 1980 Decree No. 3852/80 of the Minister of Justice on the appointment of the Assistant Public Prosecutor at the Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance.
17 August 1985 Decree No. 3400/85 of the Minister of Justice on the appointment of a judge as the President of the Maevatanana Court Section (Mahajanga).
20 September 1990 Decree No. 5462/90 of the Minister of Justice on the appointment of the Public Prosecutor at the Farafangana Court of First Instance.
6 March 1992 Decree No. 0880/92 of the Minister of Justice on the appointment of a Magistrat as the Public Prosecutor at the Toliara Court of First Instance.
9 November 1993 Decree No. 5766/93 of the Minister of Justice on the appointment of a judge as the Public Prosecutor at the Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance.
Special services for Madagascar:
20 September 1990 By decree No. 5466/90 of the Minister of Justice, a judge was appointed as the Public Prosecutor at the Farafangana Court of First Instance and was assigned the mandate of representing the justice system in the south-eastern region of Madagascar where Zafisoro-Antefasy ethnic conflicts had arisen at that time. The mandate was to restore and preserve public order in the region (from Mananjary to Vangaindrano).
6 March 1992 By decree No. 0880/92 of the Minister of Justice, a judge was appointed as the Public Prosecutor at the Toliara Court of First Instance and was assigned the mandate of representing the justice system and managing the very difficult situation that prevailed in the region at that time, in particular the conflicts between the supporters of the regime in power (Hery Velona) and the group known as “Fédéralistes”.
Participated in maintaining and preserving public order with the other members of the joint body (Organisme Mixte de Conception) in Faritany de Toliara from the beginning of the “Fédéralistes” demonstrations to the time of adjudication of the case referred to as the “Monja Jaona or Fédéraliste case” at Ihosy.
Public order was maintained prior to, during and following the adjudication of this difficult case. A significant contribution to justice was made by maintaining public order in the Province of Toliara throughout the period of “Fédéraliste” demonstrations.
28 February 2018 Involved in the initiative to reopen the Ikongo Court of First Instance after the events of December 2017 and officiating the relevant ceremonies.
Social activities:
1965 – 1967 Head of the arts group “Benjan’I Betsileo”, Fianarantsoa
1967 – 1969 President of the intermediate school student body (12- and 13-year-olds at the Saint François Xavier secondary school, Fianarantsoa).
1969 – 1971 President of the intermediate school student body (14-year-olds at the Saint François Xavier secondary school, Fianarantsoa).
1980 – 1982 Vice-President of the Fianarantsoa Family Court.
1982 – 1985 President of the Fianarantsoa Family Court.
1983 – 1985 Vice-President of the Fianarantsoa branch of the Association for the Safeguarding and Protection of Child welfare.
1988 – 1990 President and founder of the Maevatanana Family Court.
1996 – 1988 Secretary General of the Fianarantsoa Family Court.
1998 – 2002 President of the Fianarantsoa Family Court.
1999 – 2001 President of the Fitarikandro football club, Fianarantsoa.
2002 – 2005 President of the Club Omni Sport of Betsileo.
2003 – 2004 President of the sports association of the Lycée Raherivelo Ramamonjy Fianarantsoa.
2012 - present Member of the group of managers and academics of the Lalangina district (Chairman of the security committee).
2013 - present Member and counsellor of the Fagnianan’i Matsiatra Ambony.
Publications that contribute to restoring the reputation of the justice system:
1999 Accueillir l’an 2000 (Public Prosecutor at the Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance).
2000 Édifions la justice de l’an 2000 (Public Prosecutor at the Fianarantsoa Court of First Instance).
2007 Détermination (general criminal policy of the Office of the Mahajanga Public Prosecutor). For the courts of first instance of the provinces of Mahajanga et Antsiranana.
2008 Détermination (update on the general criminal policy of the Office of the Mahajanga Public Prosecutor)
2009 Cercle de réflexions pour l’efficacité du système judiciaire. For the courts of first instance of the provinces of Mahajanga and Antsiranana.
2010 Cercle de réflexions pour l’efficacité du système judiciaire. For the courts of first instance of the Province of Mahajanga.
2012 Cercle de réflexions pour l’efficacité du système judiciaire. For the courts of first instance of the Province of Fianarantsoa (meeting of all the entities working for the administration of justice).
2013 Cercle de réflexions pour l’efficacité du système judiciaire. Update for the courts of first instance of the Province of Fianarantsoa.
2017 Raki-tantara volamena, histoire d’or (the history of each region and the location of each jurisdiction)
2018 Et la lumiere fut (summary of all the tools that provide positive exposure for the activities of the justice system from 2013 to 2018).