
Chambers is one of the three organs of the Mechanism. It carries out the judicial work of the Mechanism. Chambers comprises a Trial Chamber at each branch of the Mechanism and an Appeals Chamber that is common to both branches. The President of the Mechanism coordinates the work of the Chambers.
The Mechanism has a roster of 25 independent Judges who serve both branches of the Mechanism as provided for in the Statute. View the latest Order of precedence in accordance with Rule 22 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
For every trial and case of possible referral to a national jurisdiction within the jurisdiction of the Mechanism, except for cases of contempt and false testimony, the President will appoint three Judges from the roster to compose a Trial Chamber. In all other circumstances, the President will appoint a Single Judge from the roster to consider matters at first instance. The President will appoint a bench composed of five Judges to hear an appeal against a decision at first instance by a Trial Chamber and a bench of three Judges to hear an appeal against a decision at first instance by a Single Judge.
The Chambers Legal Support Section of the Mechanism provides administrative and legal support to the Judges in the execution of their judicial work. Chambers is composed of legal officers and administrative assistants spread between the two branches. Chambers staff provide support to Judges in respect of all judicial work of the Mechanism.
The Judges of the Mechanism are present at the seats of the two branches of the Mechanism only when necessary and at the request of the President, and in so far as possible carry out their functions remotely. When Judges are working remotely, secure means of communication are relied upon by Chambers to provide Judges with judicial filings and other necessary materials, to assist in their research and drafting, and to facilitate their deliberations.