Prosecutor on Mission to Belgrade

Mechanism Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will visit Belgrade from 20 to 22 May.
As part of preparations for his regular biannual report to the UN Security Council (UNSC), the Prosecutor will meet with Minister of Justice Nela Kuburović, Republic Public Prosecutor Zagorka Dolovac and Chief War Crimes Prosecutor Snežana Stanojković to discuss issues of mutual concern, including the implementation of the National War Crimes Strategy, regional judicial cooperation in war crimes cases and support from the Mechanism Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) to Serbian authorities’ efforts to achieve justice for war crimes.
Prosecutor Brammertz will also participate in the regional conference of war crimes prosecutors hosted by Serbian Chief War Prosecutor Stanojković. Together with war crimes prosecutors from throughout the region, Prosecutor Brammertz will discuss the state of regional judicial cooperation in war crimes matters, ongoing challenges that are preventing progress and solutions to help get the situation back on the right track.
It is expected that Prosecutor Brammertz will present his next report to the UNSC in mid-July.