The Mechanism welcomes 17 newly recruited Security Officers at its Arusha branch

On Friday, 6 September 2019, the Arusha branch of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) held an official graduation ceremony to welcome 17 newly recruited Security Officers. During this official ceremony, Mr. Yaw Okai, Chief of Security and Safety Services of the Arusha branch, welcomed and congratulated the new recruits. Prior to their graduation, the new Officers, who were selected from Tanzanian law enforcement agencies, including Diplomatic and Regional Police, as well as Prison and Immigration offices underwent a thorough competitive recruitment process, including the mandatory Division of Headquarters Security and Safety Services (DHSSS) Security Officer Induction Training Course. Notably, 15 out of the 17 new recruits are female, a direct result of the Gender Initiative Challenge conducted by Security and Safety Services in Arusha in 2018, a programme that received recognition and was commended by the UN Department of Safety and Security. With these new recruitments, the Mechanism once again demonstrates the importance it attaches to gender equality by recruiting 90% of women on the day’s intake. The new Officers are now part of the 11 DHSSS duty stations located in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, Bangkok, Beirut, Addis Ababa, Santiago, Phnom Penh, The Hague and Arusha.