Statement of Prosecutor Serge Brammertz in relation to Review Judgement

Following the issuance of the review judgment in the case Prosecutor v. Augustin Ngirabatware, Chief Prosecutor of the Mechanism, Serge Brammertz, gave the following statement:
My Office is satisfied that the Appeals Chamber accepted our arguments and rejected Augustin Ngirabatware's attempt to secure reversal of his convictions for direct and public incitement to commit genocide and instigating and aiding and abetting genocide. The Appeals Chamber agreed with us that the alleged recantations by four witnesses were not credible or capable of belief.
I would like to take this opportunity to underscore my Office's unwavering commitment to maintaining the integrity of proceedings conducted by the ICTR, ICTY and the Mechanism, and the facts established therein.
In particular, we will investigate and prosecute all those who interfere with ICTR, ICTY and Mechanism witnesses, as mandated by the UN Security Council and the Mechanism Statute. The Appeals Chamber today noted the considerable suspicion raised in this review proceeding based on my Office's evidence that the recantations were influenced by financial incentives, as well as that the recantations may have been orchestrated by others. In that regard, my Office has issued an indictment against five accused for contempt of court in the case Prosecutor v. Turinabo et al., wherein we allege that the accused interfered with witnesses who had given evidence in Ngirabatware's trial and in the related review proceeding that concluded today. Our investigations remain ongoing, and we look forward to the commencement of the trial.
All witnesses who appeared before the ICTR, ICTY or the Mechanism continue to enjoy the Mechanism's protection. I urge any witness who is threatened, influenced or offered bribes in order to change their testimony to immediately contact the Mechanism's Witness Support and Protection Unit or my Office.
Finally, I would like to thank the Government of Rwanda and the Prosecutor General for their continued cooperation and assistance.