Prosecutor Brammertz on mission to Sarajevo

Mechanism Chief Prosecutor, Serge Brammertz will visit Sarajevo from 28 to 30 October 2019, as part of preparations for his regular biannual report to the UN Security Council (UNSC).
Prosecutor Brammertz will meet with Chief Prosecutor, Gordana Tadić, President of the State Court Ranko Debevec and members of the international community. The topics for discussion will be the status of war crimes processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina, cooperation with and support from the Mechanism Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) and potential solutions to challenges in regional judicial cooperation in war crimes cases.
The Prosecutor will also attend a meeting of the Operational Working Group on search for missing persons to discuss challenges in finding missing persons from the war and the role of the OTP Mechanism in this process.
On 30 October 2019, in the Sarajevo City Hall, Chief Prosecutor Brammertz will give a lecture to high school students from different Sarajevo secondary schools on current challenges to international justice.
It is expected that Prosecutor Brammertz will present his next report to the UNSC in December 2019.