The Mechanism hosts cadets from the Tanzanian Military Academy

On Thursday, 5 December 2019, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) received a delegation of 103 cadets from the Tanzanian Military Academy, Monduli, at the premises of the Mechanism’s Arusha branch.
During the visit, the cadets were briefed by representatives from the Mechanism’s three organs on the mandate and structure of the Mechanism.
Major P.S. Tarimo, the Commander accompanying the delegation of cadets, noted the importance for the cadets, as future officers of the Tanzanian Army, to understand and master international humanitarian law and its application to conflict situations. The Commander then thanked the Mechanism for the comprehensive briefings on the Mechanism’s work and stated that he looked forward to further cooperation particularly with regard to access and usage of the Mechanism’s Archives.
As part of their visit, the cadets were given the opportunity to tour the courtroom, the legal library and the Archives research room of the Mechanism.