Mechanism Registrar Elias meets with the President of the UN General Assembly

Arusha, The Hague
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The Registrar of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), Olufemi Elias today met with the President of the Seventy-fourth Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Ambassador Tijjani Muhammad-Bande of Nigeria, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. 

Registrar Elias briefed His Excellency Muhammad-Bande on the key activities and developments at the Mechanism. Registrar Elias underscored the importance of the support of Member States in a number of key areas of Mechanism’s work. Registrar Elias further outlined the budgetary requirements of the Mechanism in 2020, emphasising the need for support by the Members States in this process, for an effective and timely implementation of the Mechanism’s remaining judicial workload and ongoing functions at both branches of the Mechanism. 

His Excellency Muhammad-Bande expressed his unwavering support for the mandate and work of the Mechanism, stressing that its operations are essential for the continued development of international criminal justice. 

Registrar Elias is currently in New York in connection with the consideration of the Mechanism’s budget submission for 2020 by the Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee) of the United Nations General Assembly.