Mechanism Principals hold diplomatic briefing in The Hague

The Principals of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) yesterday held a briefing for the diplomatic corps accredited to the Kingdom of the Netherlands and international organizations.
During the briefing, which was attended by 50 ambassadors and members of the diplomatic corps, President Graciela Gatti Santana, Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and Registrar Abubacarr M. Tambadou provided an overview and update of the Mechanism’s current activities.
All three Principals emphasized their commitment to efficiently, expeditiously and fairly completing the few remaining cases, as well as carrying out the Mechanism’s continuous residual functions in a manner consistent with the Security Council’s vision. President Gatti Santana briefed the diplomatic corps on the main priorities of her Presidency, including planning for future changes in the Mechanism’s work. Prosecutor Brammertz highlighted his Office’s efforts to track the remaining fugitives and assist national judiciaries. Registrar Tambadou outlined the support provided by the Registry to Mechanism activities, as well as ongoing work to further improve accessibility of the public judicial records and archives.
The Principals of the Mechanism also thanked State representatives for their steadfast support to the Mechanism since its inception and identified several areas where continued support from Member States remains essential. These include locating and arresting the fugitives; the remaining transfer of convicted persons to enforcement States and more generally securing the support of additional enforcement States; and, finally, providing the Mechanism with sufficient budgetary resources to undertake its work.
The Mechanism will continue to regularly update the diplomatic corps, both in Arusha and in The Hague, about its work and activities.