Mechanism welcomes delegates from Kenya National Cohesion and Integration Commission

The Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (MICT or Mechanism) received delegates from the Kenya National Cohesion and Integration Commission (Commission) at the premises of the Mechanism’s Arusha branch on Wednesday, 22 March 2017. The delegation of the Commission, a statutory body established in Kenya in 2008 in response to the post-election violence in Kenya between 2007 and 2008, was headed by Commissioner Hon. Morris Dzoro.
Representatives of the Mechanism’s President, Prosecutor and Registrar warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed them on the functions and structure of the Mechanism, and the roles and responsibilities of the respective organs.
Hon. Morris Dzoro provided an overview of the mandate of the Commission which included advising the Government of Kenya on approaches to strengthening cohesion and integration among Kenyan citizens so as to act preventatively to forestall violence. The delegation of the Commission and MICT officials engaged in a discussion of diverse issues, including the importance of focused efforts to prevention of international crimes, strengthening of national institutions to address accountability for serious crimes, protection of witnesses and Mechanism practice in enforcement of sentences, as well as relationships and assistance between the Mechanism and national jurisdictions on matters of respective competence.
The Commission delegates concluded their visit with a tour of the Mechanism’s premises in Arusha.