Prosecutor Jallow to pay official visit to former Yugoslavia next week

The MICT’s Prosecutor Hassan B. Jallow will pay an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the Republic of Croatia (Croatia) and the Republic of Serbia (Serbia) from 7 through 13 September 2014. This is the Prosecutor’s first working visit to the region in his capacity as Prosecutor of the MICT, the institution gradually taking over the functions of the ICTY as it completes is remaining cases.
The Prosecutor will arrive in Belgrade, Serbia on 7 September from where he will travel to Sarajevo, BiH with a visit between 9 September and 11 September. On Friday 12 September, the Prosecutor will then travel to Zagreb, Croatia.
In all three states, Prosecutor Jallow will hold meetings at the ministries of foreign affairs and ministries of justice to explain the transition of functions from the ICTY to the MICT. He will also sign Memoranda of Understanding with relevant prosecutorial bodies in the three states that will initiate effective working relationship between the MICT and national prosecutors, with the aim of ensuring the continuity of cooperation as the ICTY is slowly approaching the end of its mandate.
Additionally in Sarajevo, Prosecutor Jallow will meet international officials and diplomatic representatives.
He will also visit the memorial sites in Srebrenica on 10 September, and Bradina and Grabovica on 11 September.
The Prosecutor is expected to give statements to the media while attending the memorials.
Prosecutor Jallow has been ICTR Prosecutor since 3 October 2003, and was appointed MICT Prosecutor on 1 March 2012. He has assumed numerous responsibilities from the ICTY, including dealing with possible appeals in ICTY completed trials of Radovan Karadžić, Ratko Mladić, Goran Hadžić and Vojislav Sešelj. The MICT Office of the Prosecutor will also provide support for national war crimes prosecutions and assist in the monitoring of transferred cases to the regional courts.
Media wishing to attend the memorial visits should send an email to the ICTY Sarajevo Office at ademagic [at] or call 033/568 548 568 549 by Friday, 5 September 4pm. Journalists should provide their full names, the name of their media outlet and ID number.