Vojislav Šešelj Appeal Judgement - accreditation procedure closed

The accreditation procedure for representatives of the media wishing to attend the rendering of the Appeal Judgement in the case of Vojislav Šešelj, scheduled for 11 April 2018, is now closed.
Final media information and the list of accredited media are now available on the MICT website.
Journalists are required to pick up their accreditation tickets on Wednesday, 11 April 2018, between 9:30 and 12:00 at the gate outside the main entrance of the Mechanism’s Hague branch.
Non-media representatives who have requested to be accredited will be informed by email of the status of their request.
The hearing will be broadcast live on the Mechanism’s website.
The Spokesperson for Registry and Chambers of the Mechanism’s Hague branch, Helena Eggleston, can be reached on +31 (0)6 11 92 37 43 or +31 (0)70 512 5691 and egglestonh [at] un.org.