Irish Center for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, Ph.D., 2015
Yale Law School, New Haven, CT, J.D., 1999
The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, Tufts University, M.A. in Law & Diplomacy, 1996, with concentrations in Human Rights & Negotiation
Fulbright Scholar, Darou Ndiar, Senegal, 1993
Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service, Washington, DC, B.S.F.S., magna cum laude, 1992
Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, PA (July 2009 – present)
James E. Beasley Professor of Law and Co-Director, Institute for International Law and Public Policy. Teach Criminal Law, International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, International Law Colloquium, and Mindful Lawyering: Techniques for Effective Counseling, Negotiation, and Advocacy.
Award: Friel-Scanlan Faculty Scholarship (2021)
Public International Law & Policy Group, Washington, D.C. (2016-present)
Senior Legal Advisor. Consult on projects related to human rights, international criminal law and transitional justice.
Georgetown University, Institute for International Law & Politics, Washington, D.C. (Spring 2008)
Adjunct Professor. Taught graduate course in international human rights law.
War Crimes Research Office, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C. (Fall 2007)
Consultant. Drafted a legal memorandum for the prosecutor of an international criminal tribunal.
Farella, Braun & Martel, LLP, San Francisco, CA (2001-2007)
Litigation Associate. Litigated a variety of cases, with specialty in criminal defense. Represented criminal defendants from investigation through trial and sentencing. Lead litigator in numerous pro bono cases, including representing prisoner in successful civil rights lawsuit.
Honorable James R. Browning, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, San Francisco, CA (1999-2000)
Law Clerk. Performed case analysis, conducted legal research, and drafted opinions for a wide variety of cases, including numerous criminal and immigration appeals.
Senegal Delegation, International Criminal Court Conference, Rome, Italy (1998-1999)
International Law Advisor. Participated in Rome Conference and subsequent Preparatory Commission meetings, including advising delegation, drafting speeches, and assisting in negotiations, particularly regarding definitions of crimes against humanity and gender crimes.
United States Department of State, Office of the Legal Advisor, Washington, D.C. (Summer 1998)
Summer Legal Intern. Performed legal research, writing, and analysis of international law issues, particularly in the areas of international human rights and employment.
International Criminal Tribunal For Former Yugoslavia, The Hague, The Netherlands (Summer 1997)
Law Clerk. Researched and wrote legal memoranda for trial teams on various international law issues, including the definitions of crimes against humanity and gender crimes.
United States Embassy, Libreville, Gabon (Summer 1995)
Foreign Service Intern. Worked directly with Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, performing duties of political officer, which included drafting Human Rights Country Report on Gabon.
United States Agency For International Development, Washington, D.C. (1992-1993)
Program Assistant. Assisted program officer in organizing and administering aid for Africa.
The Habré Effect?: How an African Trial Shaped Justice Norms (with Charles C. Jalloh, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022).
Shocking the Conscience of Humanity: Gravity and the Legitimacy of International Criminal Law (Oxford University Press 2020).
Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court (with Valerie Oosterveld eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2020).
Arcs of Global Justice: Essays in Honor of William A. Schabas (with Diane Marie Amann eds., Oxford University Press 2018).
Defining Crimes Against Humanity: Practicality and Value Balancing, 6 African J. Int’l Criminal Justice 204 (2020).
The International Criminal Court is Legitimate Enough to Deserve Support, 33 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 397 (with Timothy Kelly, 2019).
Justifying Extraterritorial War Crimes Trials, 7 J. of Crim. L. & Phil. 1 (2017).
When Are International Crimes Just Cause for War? 55 Va. J. Int’l L. 73 (2015).
Harsh Justice for International Crimes? 39 Yale J. Int’l L. 1 (2014).
The International Criminal Court’s Gravity Jurisprudence at Ten, 12 Wash. U. Global Studies L.R. 475 (2013).
How Serious Are International Crimes? The Gravity Problem in International Criminal Law, 51 Colum. J. Transnat’l L. 18 (2012).
Choosing to Prosecute: Expressive Selection at the International Criminal Court, 33 Mich. J. Int’l L. 265 (2012).
Giving Priority to Sex Crime Prosecutions at International Courts: The Philosophical Foundations of a Feminist Agenda, 11 Int’l Crim. L. Rev. 515 (2011).
Gravity and the Legitimacy of the International Criminal Court, 32 Fordham Int’l L.J. 1400 (2009).
The Road From Rome: The Developing Law of Crimes Against Humanity, 22 Hum. Rts. Q. 335 (2000).
Book Chapters
Decision Pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute on the Authorisation of an Investigation into the Situation in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh/Republic of the Union of Myanmar, in Feminist Judgements and the International Criminal Court (Chappell et al. eds, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2023).
International Sentencing Procedure, Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2021).
Punishing for Humanity: The Sentencing Legacy of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, in Legacies of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: A Multidisciplinary Account (Stahn et al., eds, Oxford University Press 2020).
Introduction: Narratives and Counter-Narratives of the International Criminal Court, in The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court (with Valerie Oosterveld) (Margaret M. deGuzman & Valerie Oosterveld eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2020).
Mission Uncertain: What Communities Does the ICC Serve?, in The Elgar Companion to the International Criminal Court (with Valerie Oosterveld) (Margaret M. deGuzman & Valerie Oosterveld eds., Edward Elgar Publishing 2020).
Complementarity at the African Court, in The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’ Rights In Context (Charles Jalloh, Kamari Clarke & Vincent Nmehielle eds., Cambridge University Press 2019).
Mixed Messages: The Sentencing Legacy of the Ad Hoc Tribunals, in The Legacy of Ad Hoc Tribunals in International Criminal Law: Assessing the ICTY’s and ICTR’s Most Significant Legal Accomplishments (Milena Sterio & Michael P. Scharf eds., Cambridge University Press 2019).
Criminal Law Philosophy in William Schabas’ Scholarship, in Arcs of Global Justice: Essays in Honor of William A. Schabas (Margaret M. deGuzman & Diane Marie Amann eds., Oxford University Press 2018).
The Global-Local Dilemma and the ICC’s Legitimacy, in Legitimacy and International Courts (Harlan Grant Cohen et al eds.,) (Cambridge University Press 2017).
Is the ICC Targeting Africa Inappropriately? A Moral, Legal, and Sociological Assessment, in Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court (Richard H. Steinberg ed., Brill/Nijhoff 2016).
The Elusive Essence of Crimes Against Humanity, in Essays in Honour of Roger Clark (Suzannah Linton et al. eds., Brill/Nijhoff 2015).
Proportionate Sentencing at the International Criminal Court, in The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court (Carsten Stahn ed., Oxford University Press 2014).
The Sentencing Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, in the Sierra Leone Special Court and its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal Law (Charles Jalloh ed., Cambridge Univ. Press 2013).
Initiation of Investigation and Selection of Cases, in International Criminal Procedure: Principles and Rules (with William Schabas) (Göran Sluiter et al. eds., 2013).
An Expressive Rationale for the Thematic Prosecution of Sex Crimes, in Thematic Prosecution of International Sex Crimes 11 (Morten Bergsmo ed., Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher 1st ed. 2012 & 2d ed. 2018).
Crimes Against Humanity, in Research Handbook on International Criminal Law (Bartram S. Brown ed., 2011).
Crimes Against Humanity, in Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law (William Schabas & Nadia Bernaz eds. 2010).
Article 21, Applicable Law, in Commentary on the Rome Statute of the ICC 932 (Otto Triffterer ed., 1999 & 2008 & 2016).
Shorter Work
Engaging Darryl Robinson’s Justice in Extreme Cases: Introduction to the Symposium, 35 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 1, 1 (2021).
Coherentist Deontic Analysis or Dialogic Community Value Identification: Which Way
Forward for ICL? 35 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 1, 57 (2021).
Who Bears the Greatest Responsibility for International Law, Micro-symposium on Charles C. Jalloh, The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 15 FIU Law Rev. 21 (2021).
The Biden Administration Should Signal its Commitment to the Rule of Law by Rescinding the Anti-ICC Executive Order on Day One, Invited Expert Opinion, ICC Forum, available at https://iccforum.com/sanctions#deGuzman (2021).
Systemic Racist Police Brutality Shocks the Conscience of Humanity, but is it an International Crime?, available at https://www.justsecurity.org/71255/systemic-racist-police-brutality-shocks-the-conscience-of-humanity-but-is-it-an-international-crime/.
New Rules or More Global Governance?, 32 Temple Int’l & Comp. L.J. 1, 13 (2018).
Amicus Curiae Observations of Professors Robinson, Cryer, deGuzman, Lafontaine, Oosterveld, and Stahn, Situation in Darfur, Sudan, International Criminal Court (June 17, 2018).
Review of Larry May & Shannon Fyfe, International Criminal Tribunals: A Normative Defense, Ethics & International Affairs (2018).
Inter-national Justice for Them Or Global Justice for Us? The U.S. as a Supranational Justice Donor, 48 Case Western J. Int’l L. 177 (2016).
Amicus Curiae Brief of Professors Robinson, deGuzman, Jalloh and Cryer on Crimes Against Humanity filed in Cases 003 and 004, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (May 17, 2016).
What is the Gravity Threshold for an ICC Investigation? Lessons from the Pre-Trial Chamber Decision in the Comoros Situation, 19 ASIL Insights (August 11, 2015), available at http://www.asil.org/insights/volume/19/issue/19/what-gravity-threshold-icc-investigation-lessons-pre-trial-chamber.
National Impact of International Criminal Law (panel summary), ASIL Cables, available at http://www.asil.org/blogs/national-impact-international-criminal-law (April 12, 2015).
The ICC Deserves Our Full Support, NY Times Room for Debate (op-ed) (December 11, 2014).
Review of Mohamed Elewa Badar, The Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law (2013), Rutgers Criminal Justice Books Reviews, available at https://clcjbooks.rutgers.edu/books/the-concept-of-mens-rea/ (2014).
Amicus Curiae Observations of Professors Robinson, deGuzman, Jalloh and Cryer filed in Prosecutor v. Gbagbo, International Criminal Court Appeals Chamber (Oct. 2013).
Is The ICC Targeting Africa Inappropriately? Invited Expert Opinion, ICC Forum, available at http://iccforum.com/africa#deGuzman (2013).
Gravity Rhetoric: The Good, The Bad, and the “Political,” 107 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of International Law 421 (2013).
“Wartime” in International Criminal Law, 35 Hum. Rts. Q. 232 (2013) (book review).
Fact-Finding Without Facts, Commentary on Nancy Combs’ Book, 105 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, American Society of International Law 315 (2011).
Oxford Reports on International Criminal Law, available at http://oxfordlawreports.com. Contributing author of peer-reviewed case reports. (May 2009 – Present).
Justice in Cambodia: Past, Present, and Future, 19 Crim. L. Forum 335 (2008) (book review).
IntLawGrrls, http://intlawgrrls.blogspot.com/. Periodic contributor (August 2008 – Present).
Opinion Juris, http://opiniojuris.org/. Occasional contributor (September 2009 – Present).
Global Rights Compliance (2020-present)
American Society of International Law (2014-present)
Co-chair, Women in International Law Interest Group (2021-present)
Member, Annual Meeting Committee (2021-2022)
Steering Committee Member, Women in International Law Interest Group, (2019-2021)
Member, Interest Groups Committee (2019-present)
Member, Programs Committee (2018-present)
Chair & Member, Book Awards Committee (2016-2018)
Co-chair, International Criminal Law Interest Group (2014-2017)
Mentor, Women in International Law Interest Group (2014-present)
Mindfulness in Law Society (2017-2019)
Board Member.
Temple University Fulbright Committee (2017-present)
Mindfulness Affinity Group, Balance Section, Association of American Law Schools
African Journal of International Criminal Justice (2014-present)
Editorial Board Member.
Waldorf School of Philadelphia (2012-2013)
Board of Directors.
Forum for International Criminal and Humanitarian Law (2011)
Editorial Board Member.
Center for Youth Development Through Law, Berkeley, CA (2004-2006)
Board Member. Participated in running non-profit organization aimed at exposing underprivileged youth to careers in the law by providing summer courses and internships.
Edward J. McFetridge American Inn of Court, San Francisco, CA (2003-2006)
Associate and Pupilage Group Leader. Participated in and organized educational presentations on various legal topics, including leading presentation regarding mistaken eyewitness identification.
Donald P. McCullum Youth Court, Oakland, CA (2002-2006)
Judge. Served as volunteer judge for youth court that adjudicates juvenile misdemeanors as an alternative to the traditional juvenile justice system.
ABA White Collar Committee, Young Lawyers Division, San Francisco, CA (2001-2005)
Founder and Chairperson. Founded and ran Bay Area chapter of organization to promote career advancement and continuing education of young lawyers practicing criminal defense.
Yale Law Journal
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
Melbourne Journal of International Law
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
International Feminist Journal of Politics
Leiden Journal of International Law
Edward Elgar Publishing
United States Institute for Peace
Washington International Law Journal
Utrecht Journal of International and European Law
African Journal of International Criminal Justice
Routledge Press
Journal of Genocide Research
Aspen Press
International Journal of Transitional Justice
New York (2002)
California (2001)
Spanish (advanced), French (fluent), Italian (fluent), Wolof (conversational)