MIP News

Mechanism Information Programme representative participates in a workshop ‘Transitional Justice through Montenegrin and regional experience’

The Hague, 19 November 2020

Mechanism Information Programme representative participates in a workshop ‘Transitional Justice through Montenegrin and regional experience’

The Coordinator of the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP), Rada Pejić-Sremac, spoke today at a workshop entitled Transitional Justice through Montenegrin and Regional Experience, which was organized by the…


Mechanism Information Programme Representative Holds Workshop on Searching the Judicial Archives at 27th EUROCLIO Annual Conference

The Hague, 12 November 2020

Mechanism Information Programme Representative Holds Workshop on Searching the Judicial Archives at 27th EUROCLIO Annual Conference

The youth outreach coordinator of the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP), Ms. Anisa Sućeska, today held a workshop on how to use and search the judicial archives of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former…


Mechanism Information Programme representative participates in 27th EUROCLIO Annual Conference

The Hague, 7 November 2020

Mechanism Information Programme representative participates in 27th EUROCLIO Annual Conference

The Coordinator of the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP), Rada Pejić-Sremac, spoke today at a panel discussion organized as part of the 27th Annual Conference…


History teachers from Serbia trained in use of ICTY and Mechanism archives

The Hague, 27 October 2020

History teachers lectures

On 24 October 2020, the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP) held an online workshop for 30 high school history teachers from Serbia.

This was the eighth in a series of MIP workshops and focused on how history…


President Agius launches second cycle of Mechanism’s Inter-University Video Lecture Programme

The Hague, 22 October 2020

President Agius launches second cycle of Mechanism’s Inter-University Video Lecture Programme

Judge Carmel Agius, President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), today launched the second cycle of the Mechanism’s Inter-University Video Lecture Programme (Programme) by delivering a lecture on the…