United Nations Security Council completes review of Mechanism’s progress

On 22 December, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 2256 (2015) noting inter alia the completion of its first review of the progress of the work of the Mechanism.
In November 2015, the Mechanism’s President, Judge Theodor Meron, submitted a supplemental report to the UN Security Council in order to facilitate the Council’s review of the Mechanism’s progress during the initial period of its operations. In the report, President Meron provided a detailed summary of the work of the Chambers, the Prosecution and the Registry at both the Arusha and Hague branches of the Mechanism.
Resolution 2256 welcomed the report and supplementary information provided by the Mechanism and took note of “the work of the Mechanism to date, in particular development of a legal and regulatory framework, procedures, and working practices consistent with the Statute of the Mechanism and drawing on lessons learned from and best practices of the ICTY and ICTR and of other tribunals”.
The UN Security Council also noted the Mechanism’s working practices, including the use of rosters to ensure judges and staff are utilized only when required and other steps taken in order to produce substantial reductions in the costs of judicial activities, and commended the Mechanism “for its efforts to produce such reductions”. In addition, the Security Council requested the Mechanism to take into account certain views and recommendations and to take steps to further enhance its efficiency and effective and transparent management.
The Security Council also called upon all States to cooperate with the Mechanism and provide all necessary assistance so as to facilitate the arrest and surrender of all remaining fugitives indicted by the ICTR as soon as possible and the relocation of acquitted persons and convicted persons who have completed serving their sentences.
This review was conducted in accordance with Security Council Resolution 1966 (2010), which established the Mechanism.