Approximately 7000 witnesses have testified before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (“ICTR”), the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (“ICTY”), and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (“Mechanism”).
Through written statements and oral testimony, witnesses have provided the Tribunals as well as the Mechanism with expert opinions, insider knowledge, and first-hand accounts of the crimes that took place in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s.
To support their statements and testimony, some witnesses have created drawings or sketches of complex concepts, particular events, or specific items or locations. These illustrations help to explain how, where, and why events occurred or describe and clarify complicated ideas and processes. Occasionally, witnesses have also been asked to testify about certain aspects of drawings or sketches created by others.
This exhibition features a number of drawings and sketches, all of which were admitted into evidence in court proceedings before the Tribunals. It explores the various ways in which these drawings and sketches have been used in the proceedings.
International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda
International Criminal
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

Article 20 of the Statute of the Mechanism entrusts the Mechanism with the protection of victims and witnesses in relation to the ICTY, the ICTR and the Mechanism. With the closure of the ICTY on 31 December 2017, the Mechanism now assumes all functions pertaining to the protection of victims and witnesses in completed cases from the two Tribunals as well as ongoing cases before the Mechanism.