President Carmel Agius joins Prosecutor Brammertz and Registrar Elias as International Gender Champion

The President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism), Judge Carmel Agius, was today named as an International Gender Champion (IGC), thus joining Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and Registrar Olufemi Elias as a member of The Hague hub of the International Gender Champions network, co-chaired by the Embassies of Canada and Switzerland to the Netherlands. This hub was officially launched today in The Hague at the premises of the International Criminal Court.
By joining the IGC network, all three Mechanism Principals have committed to a set of pledges which they will aim to promote and implement during their tenure. Commenting on the significance of serving as International Gender Champion, President Agius stated that “as the new President of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, I am fully committed to being a leader for women’s empowerment.”
Prosecutor Brammertz, who recently joined the IGC network, stated at the time of his appointment:
“To truly achieve international justice, women and girls must be equal participants. Accountability depends on ensuring justice for all victims - including women and girls - first and foremost by hearing their voices.”
Upon joining the IGC network last year, Registrar Elias committed to achieving and maintaining gender equality at all levels including leadership roles throughout the Mechanism, noting: “This is all attainable, by giving an active voice to women in their day to day functions within the Mechanism.”
Through becoming International Gender Champions, President Agius, Prosecutor Brammertz and Registrar Elias have joined a global network of heads and principals of international organizations, permanent missions and institutions. Other International Gender Champions include the Secretary-General of the United Nations and heads of various United Nations agencies, all committed to achieving gender parity in their respective areas of responsibility.
The IGC network is a leadership network that brings together female and male decision-makers determined to break down gender barriers and make gender equality a working reality in their spheres of influence, particularly within international institutions and organizations. First launched at the Palais des Nations in Geneva in July 2015, the network has been rapidly expanding since then to other cities hosting multilateral institutions, including New York, Vienna, Nairobi and Bonn.