Book by MICT/ICTY Prosecution on “Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence at the ICTY” now available online in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian

The Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (B/C/S) translation of the book ‘Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence at the ICTY’, edited by MICT/ICTY Prosecutor Serge Brammertz and Deputy to the Prosecutor Michelle Jarvis is now available online.
The book, first published in April 2016 by Oxford University Press, sets out the experience of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) in prosecuting sexual violence crimes during the 24 years of its work. Its B/C/S translation is now available online. It will be particularly useful for those interested in prosecuting conflict-related sexual violence crimes, including legal professionals, the international community, NGOs, academics, and civil society.
In the course of its work, the OTP demonstrated that rapes, enslavement, mutilation, and other forms of sexual violence were very often part of broader persecutory campaigns within the conflicts, which – like beatings, killings, and looting - were used to instill fear and force populations to flee. The OTP proved that senior officials can be found accountable for sexual violence crimes and demonstrated how to prosecute sexual violence as part of a common criminal purpose, a crime against humanity and/or an underlying act of genocide.
The online version of the book can be accessed through this link.