Prosecutor Serge Brammertz on mission to Zagreb

Prosecutor Serge Brammertz will visit Zagreb on 28 and 29 April 2016, as part of preparations for his regular biyearly report to the UN Security Council (UNSC).
The Prosecutor will meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Miro Kovač, Minister of Justice Ante Šprlje and State Attorney General Dinko Cvitan, to discuss the progress in the prosecution of cases transferred from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia, particularly the Category 2 cases, the regional cooperation between the countries of the Western Balkans in the investigation and prosecution of war crimes and the strategy for prosecution of war crimes in Croatia. The Prosecutor will also discuss cooperation between Croatia and the ICTY and the MICT.
Pursuant to UNSC Resolutions 1503 (from 2003) and 1534 (from 2004) the Prosecutor of the ICTY has a duty to report to the UNSC every six months about the current progress towards the implementation of the Tribunal’s Completion Strategy. The reports have been provided on a regular basis since May 2004. Pursuant to UNSC Resolution 1966 (from 2010) the Prosecutor of the Mechanism is required to submit a progress report to the UNSC every six months. Prosecutor Brammertz will present his next report to the UNSC in June.