Media invited to attend the ICTR’s 20th anniversary commemoration in The Hague

Media are invited to attend the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’s (ICTR) 20th anniversary celebration and launch of its new website to be held in The Hague on Friday, 5 December 2014. This event is part of a series of celebrations marking the establishment of the Tribunal by the United Nations Security Council on 8 November 1994.
The commemoration will take place from 10:00am until 12:00pm on 5 December in the lobby of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), the ICTR’s sister tribunal.
The celebration will include a moment of silence for the victims and remarks by Tribunal and government officials. Additionally, the ICTR’s new website will be launched and a short video located on the website which highlights the dramatic events that led to the creation of the ICTR shown. The new website plays a crucial role in preserving the legacy of the ICTR by ensuring access to information about the work of the ICTR .
Media wishing to attend the event should send an email to the Tribunal’s Media Office at press [at] by Thursday, 4 December 12pm. Journalists should provide their full names, the name of their media outlet and ID number. Please be advised that space is limited and only a small number of media will be accredited on a first come first served basis.