Judge Theodor Meron steps down from Judicial Roster of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

Judge Theodor Meron has informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations, through President Carmel Agius, of his intention to resign from the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) as of 17 November 2021, which marks two decades from the commencement of his first term as a Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
From 2001, Judge Meron served on the Appeals Chamber of both the ICTY and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) until the closure of these Tribunals.
He has also been a Judge of the Mechanism since it commenced operating in 2012. Judge Meron’s long and distinguished service includes four terms as President of the ICTY and three terms as President of the Mechanism. In the latter capacity, he oversaw the initial stages of the Mechanism’s lifespan and played a significant role in ensuring that the institution remained small and efficient. During his time at the ICTY and the Mechanism, Judge Meron has been instrumental in establishing substantive and procedural jurisprudence in the area of international criminal law, including in relation to the development of principles of fairness and judicial independence as key foundations for criminal justice.
Reflecting on Judge Meron’s upcoming departure, President Agius has stated that: “Throughout his career as both a judge and a leading scholar, Judge Meron has displayed an unwavering commitment to the advancement of international criminal justice. He will be missed at the Mechanism.” President Agius and the Mechanism express deep appreciation to Judge Meron for his dedicated service over the last twenty years, and wish him all the best for the future.