Karadžić Appeal Judgement – Important information for the media

The pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement in the case of Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadžić by the Appeals Chamber of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) is scheduled for Wednesday, 20 March 2019 at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom I of the Mechanism’s Hague branch.
Please note that due to operational reasons, the web broadcast of the pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement will now be streamed with a 30 minute delay. Accredited media wishing to record the pronouncement of the judgement will be able to do so with a 30 minute delay from the Mechanism’s main lobby or the Press Centre at the World Forum.
The media accredited to the Courtroom or the Mechanism main lobby may follow the live pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement. In addition, all accredited media wishing to enter the Mechanism main lobby to follow the live proceedings will be able to do so. Please note, however, that any recording of the live streaming inside the Mechanism premises will be strictly prohibited.
At the World Forum, however, the pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement will be streamed with a 30 minute delay.
The lobby and the Press Centre will be equipped with work spaces, power outlets and Wi-Fi connection. Please note that there will only be a limited number of feeds available at the lobby, however sufficient feeds will be available at the World Forum for all accredited media wishing to record the delayed broadcast. Journalists wishing to connect to the feeds for the delayed broadcast in the lobby or the Press Centre should bring compatible equipment and a BNC cable. The pronouncement of the Appeal Judgement will be broadcast in English and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, but the audio feed will be available in English, French and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian.
Prosecutor v. Radovan Karadžić case: Key information
For any questions regarding the accreditation procedure or the pronouncement of the Karadžić Appeal Judgement please contact:
Helena Eggleston, Spokesperson at +31 (70) 512 5691 or +31 6 11 92 37 43 and egglestonh[at]un.org
External Relations Office at +31 (70) 512 8613; 512 5759 and mict-press[at]un.org
The Mechanism’s proceedings can be followed on the Mechanism’s website at www.irmct.org