International Women's Day commemorations in Arusha

It's a collage with pictures of gender symbols and 6 people with names and their respective functions as gender focal points at IRMCT

Pursuant to its broader role of providing support to the Registrar in fulfilling his responsibilities for the achievement of gender equality and parity at the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT or the Mechanism), the Mechanism Gender Focal Point team monitors the progress made towards the achievement of gender equality goals and parity targets at the Mechanism.

As at the end of February 2025, the gender parity statistics in the professional and above category are 52% women and 48% men.

The downsizing policy of the Mechanism was recently amended to require that gender be considered in the determination of operational requirements, as an overriding criterion during downsizing.

The Mechanism’s Gender Focal Point team has also actively participated in various activities commemorating important events such as the International Women’s Day, and the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.