MIP holds lecture on Srebrenica Genocide for young people from Serbia

On 14 April 2022, the Mechanism Information Programme for Affected Communities (MIP) held a lecture for 20 young people from Serbia entitled “Genocide in Srebrenica”. The lecture was held as part of an online seminar entitled “Practices of Remembering the Srebrenica Genocide”, organised jointly by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia, Forum ZFD Serbia, and the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina.
MIP researcher Mr. Nemanja Stjepanović provided an overview of the cases before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism) that dealt with the crimes committed in Srebrenica in 1995. He also spoke about the facts concerning the Srebrenica Genocide that were judicially established in these cases.
During the lecture, Mr. Stjepanović presented two online exhibitions produced by the MIP – Srebrenica: Timeline of a Genocide and War in Bosnia 1992-1995. Both exhibitions are based on judicially-established facts and are illustrated by photo or video exhibits that were admitted into evidence during the relevant trials before the ICTY and the Mechanism. These exhibitions were shared with project partners to continue to serve as useful tools for future lectures and seminars with young people from the region of the former Yugoslavia.
The lecture formed part of the MIP’s efforts to support projects and events organised by civil society organisations that are active in the field of transitional justice in the region of the former Yugoslavia.
The aim of the MIP is to improve the knowledge and understanding of citizens and communities in the countries of the former Yugoslavia about the crimes committed during the conflicts of the 1990s, based on ICTY and Mechanism cases. The MIP is generously supported by the European Union and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.